KoalaTee Window Cleaning
"Quality Window Cleaning at an Affordable Price"

KoalaTee Window Cleaning
Services Include ,
Windows, Windowsills & Mirror Cleaning
Glass Doors & Handle/Handrail Sanitation, Window Art Removal
Call us for your Free Estimates! - Mon - Sat - 8am - 6pm

KoalaTee Window Cleaning Vision and Mission Statement
Our Vision
"Your Clean Windows is Our Business"
We pride ourselves in providing a level of personal care that reflects our philosophy of ensuring quality service that exceeds the expectations of our clients.
Our Mission
"To build long-term relationships with clients and provide exceptional window cleaning service."
We pride ourselves on clear, open communication to fully understand our client's expectations .

Why Use KoalaTee Window Cleaning?
Koalatee Window Cleaning will provide you with crystal clear views through your windows and we sanitize doors.
Furthermore, we know that clean windows on a building projects a first class image for your business!
Our Core Values
We integrate honesty, integrity, teamwork, and business ethics into all aspects of our business.
Our Value Proposition
- We work closely with our clients and staff to ensure our clients' needs are met.
We communicate directly with our clients regularly to avoid misunderstanding and will respond immediately to our clients concerns or problems, with no middleman to hinder communication.
- We have a hands-on management approach that, when needed, we will roll up our sleeves to get the job done in a timely, efficient manner.
We provide quick response to your needs!
We also offer specialized cleaning services such as
weekly window and doorway/handle sanitation
We Value Our Customers!
So we make sure and to remove all dirt and debris that cause your windows to look foggy, which in turn causes your establishment to appear older and unmaintained.
We make your establishment look better!

We Get the Dirt Out of Every Corner!